Number 9 and final of the mini Zone Meetings; 4 Sisters and 12 Elders.  While the Missionaries did companionship interviews with President Griffin the group participated in discussions with Sister Griffin and Presidents Juchau and Perry.  This was an opportunity to review the information received from the General Authorities and the January Broadcast.  A busy Zone with a lot of work going on.

Number 8 of the mini Zone Meetings.  While President Griffin conducted companionship interviews, the Missionaries participated in discussions with Sister Griffin, and Presidents Juchau and Perry. The discussions were a review from recent visits with General Authorities and the Missionary Broadcast from January.  A smaller zone with 4 Sisters and 9 Elders; they are still eager to get the work done and put to use what they learned from the discussions.

Number 7 of the mini Zone Meetings.  While President Griffin conducted companionship interviews the Missionaries participated in discussions.  First was Sister Griffin followed by Presidents Juchau and Perry.  They had the opportunity to discuss some of the teachings they have received over the past several months from the Missionary Broadcast and General Authorities.  An ambitious zone with good results for their efforts.  They were ready to get back to work to try some new ideas shared.

Number 6 of the mini Zone Meetings.  This Zone has 10 Sisters and 8 Elders.  The members are very lucky to have so many Sisters, but they love the Elders too.  The Missionaries had companionship interviews with President Griffin and participated in discussions with Sister Griffin and Presidents Juchau and Perry.  They were able to review and reinforce the teachings from the past several months with the January Broadcast and Mission Tour visits with General Authorities.  A happy and hard working group of Missionaries in West Maricopa Stake.

Number 5 of the mini Zone Meetings; 4 Sisters and 16 Elders.  A positive and eager group of Missionaries.  They had companionship interviews with President Griffin with the rest of the time participating in discussions with Sister Griffin and Presidents Juchau and Perry.  After lunch they were ready to get to their areas to test the things they were taught.